News & Events
Looking ahead
As a performer, I’m always looking ahead. During a show, I’m always watching the audience to see reactions that only I know are coming. With my everyday life and calendar, I’m always way ahead. While most people are looking forward to Easter and the spring weather,...
Parkland, Florida
Just seven weeks into 2018, there have been eight shootings at US schools that have resulted in injury or death. The latest situation in Parkland, Florida has the nation grieving once again. It is truly tragic and even days after it has happened, I still cannot...
Groundhogs, Hearts and Superbowls
February is here. Seems like just yesterday we were saying Happy New Year! January was filled with tons of travel and many amazing schools. The Say No To Bullying show headed out to Pittsburgh for: Blessed Trinity, Evans City Elementary, Connoquenessing Valley...
Oh No… Summer’s almost over!
Is it me? Did summer seem to fly by this year? Maybe it's because we don't get any sun from November to March here in Buffalo!!! Just kidding. Just seems like school just let out and already we're buying back to school supplies. I've been busy working summer camps...
Road Trips
With June comes HOT temps here in WNY! This week looks to be in the mid to high 80’s all week. The air conditioning is working it’s magic! The show booking for next year’s Say No To Bullying Magic Show have been steady to say the least! With my fantastic sponsor,...
The Beginning of the End
Hard to believe Memorial Day is behind us. I’m sure for most parents, teachers and others involved in schools that it seems like the school year has flown by. Only about a month to go us here in WNY and then there will only be about 2-3 weeks before “Back To School”...
Now booking…
It’s hard for me to believe that April is almost over. I guess these blogs are good for keeping me in check with just how fast the year goes. With many schools winding down, I’m running full steam getting ready for NEXT school year. Once again our friends at...
Spring Has Sprung
It’s hard to believe that March is almost over! In the school world, that means that teachers and students are getting ready for the end of the school year. Field day bookings are coming in daily. Spring has finally sprung here in WNY and I get asked daily by my 9...
February is Here
People wearing red and pink. Pictures of hearts everywhere. Chocolate is for sale EVERYWHERE for your sweetheart. February is a month of Love! February for me is also a month that I start to get my paperwork and tax information ready for my accountant. While most...
"Magician helping to make bullying disappear"
Magician Mike Seege performs at schools across Western New York and around the country. He weaves magic tricks with anti-bullying messages.

Don't wait for something to happen in your school - teach your students to say "no" to bullying today.